03 Pages : 29-36      10.31703/gdddr.2021(VI-III).03      Published : Sep 2021

The Efficacy and Safety of Chlorhexidine in Nosocomial Infections

    Chlorhexidine is a common skin antisepsis agent that is also found in toothpaste and mouthwash.When mixed with alcohol, it is a particularly efficient antibacterial. Because it forms a strong bond with aminoacid subunits in the peripheral skin and mucosal layers. Its antibacterial properties remain for a long time,enabling it to be an efficacious antiseptic agent. Chlorhexidine is applied on various medical devices which provide protection against various internal infections caused by catheter. Chlorhexidine-related contact dermatitis is uncommon among healthcare individuals where the incidence of allergic reactionsis very common, the rate of skin allergic reactions caused by chlorhexidine ranges from 3.5 to 6.5 percent.Chlorhexidine induced allergic reactions are frequently misdiagnosed, leading to under reporting.

    Chlorhexidine, Acute Hypersensitivity, Contact Dermatitis, Intravascular Access, Nosocomial Infections
    (1) Muhammad Zahoor
    PhD Scholar, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
    (2) Syeda Komal Fatima
    Pharm D Graduate, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Rashid Munir
    PhD Scholar, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
    (4) Gul Shahnaz
    Chairperson, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
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    CHICAGO : Zahoor, Muhammad, Syeda Komal Fatima, and Rashid Munir. 2021. "The Efficacy and Safety of Chlorhexidine in Nosocomial Infections." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VI (III): 29-36 doi: 10.31703/gdddr.2021(VI-III).03
    HARVARD : ZAHOOR, M., FATIMA, S. K. & MUNIR, R. 2021. The Efficacy and Safety of Chlorhexidine in Nosocomial Infections. Global Drug Design & Development Review, VI, 29-36.
    MHRA : Zahoor, Muhammad, Syeda Komal Fatima, and Rashid Munir. 2021. "The Efficacy and Safety of Chlorhexidine in Nosocomial Infections." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VI: 29-36
    MLA : Zahoor, Muhammad, Syeda Komal Fatima, and Rashid Munir. "The Efficacy and Safety of Chlorhexidine in Nosocomial Infections." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VI.III (2021): 29-36 Print.
    OXFORD : Zahoor, Muhammad, Fatima, Syeda Komal, and Munir, Rashid (2021), "The Efficacy and Safety of Chlorhexidine in Nosocomial Infections", Global Drug Design & Development Review, VI (III), 29-36
    TURABIAN : Zahoor, Muhammad, Syeda Komal Fatima, and Rashid Munir. "The Efficacy and Safety of Chlorhexidine in Nosocomial Infections." Global Drug Design & Development Review VI, no. III (2021): 29-36.