http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gdddr.2023(VIII-I).01      10.31703/gdddr.2023(VIII-I).01      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : Muhammad Bilal Khattak , Farid UllahShah , Mehreen Ismail , Javaid Hassan , Sara Mariyum , Muhammad Kashif Shahid Khan

01 Pages : 1-7


  • Ansari, P., Azam, S., Hannan, J., Flatt, P. R., & Wahab, Y. H. A. (2020). The anti- hyperglycaemic activity of H. rosa-sinensis leaves is partly mediated by the inhibition of carbohydrate digestion and absorption, and enhancement of insulin secretion. Journal of Ethnopharmacology.253, 112647. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2020.112647
  • Cotero, V., Graf, J., Miwa, H., Hirschstein, Z., Qanud, K., & Huerta, T. S, (2022). Stimulation of the hepatoportal nerve plexus with focused ultrasound restores glucose homoeostasis in diabetic mice, rats and swine. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 6(6), 683- 705. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-022-00870-w
  • Doyno, C., Sobieraj, D. M., & Baker, W. L. (2021). Toxicity of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine following therapeutic use or overdose. Clinical Toxicology. 59(1), 12-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/15563650.2020.1817479
  • Ediga, M. G., Annapureddy, S., Salikineedy, K., & Nimgampalle, M. (2023). Aspartame consumption causes cognitive impairment in streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Biologia. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11756-023-01363-0
  • El-Moataaz, S., Ismael, H., & Aborhyem, S. (2019). Assessment of the chemical composition of Spirulina platensis and its effect on fasting blood glucose and lipid profile in diabetic Rats. Journal of High Institute of Public Health. 49(3):199-211. https://doi.org/10.21608/jhiph.2019.64463
  • Gadoa, Z. A., Moustafa, A. H., Rayes, S. M., Arisha, A. A., & Mansour, M. F. (2022). Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Synthesized Pyrazolopyrimidine Alleviate Diabetic Effects in Rats Induced by Type II Diabetes. ACS omega. 7(41), 36865-72. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05638
  • Garg, R., Katekar, R., Parwez, S., Agarwal, A., Sahu, S., & Dadge, S. (2023). Pancreastatin inhibitor PSTi8 ameliorates streptozotocin- induced diabetes by suppressing hepatic glucose production. European Journal of Pharmacology. 944, 175559. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejphar.2023.175559
  • Jiang, N., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Antidiabetic effects of nerolidol through promoting insulin receptor signalling in high-fat diet and low dose streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic rats. Human & Experimental Toxicology. 41, 09603271221126487. https://doi.org/10.1177/09603271221126487
  • Labban, L., & Thallaj, N. (2019). The Effect of Magnesium Supplementation on Hba1c Level and Lipid Profile among Type 2 Diabetics. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health. 3, 07-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-020-02209-5
  • Liu, M., & Dudley, J. S. C. (2020). Magnesium, oxidative stress, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants. 9(10), 907. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9100907
  • Mehta, R. J., Gastaldelli, A., Balas, B., Ricotti, A., DeFronzo, R. A., & Tripathy, D. (2019). Mechanism of action of inhaled insulin on whole-body glucose metabolism in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. International journal of molecular sciences. 20(17), 4230. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20174230
  • Mohammed, S. Y., Ibrahim, A., Bashir, M., Idi, A., & Sule, Z. D. (2022). Combined Effect of Sorghum Bicolor Formulated Diet and Glibenclamide on Some Biochemical Changes in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 37(3), 212-21. https://doi.org/10.2659/njbmb.2022.63
  • Olofinsan, K. A., Salau, V. F., Erukainure, O. L., & Islam, M. S. (2023). Senna petersiana (Bolle) leaf extract modulates glycemic homeostasis and improves dysregulated enzyme activities in fructose-fed streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 303, 115998. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2022.115998
  • Pamela, O., Francis, A., Celestine, A., Ifeoma, A., Choice, N., & Pamela, A. (2019). The effect of aqueous leaf extract of Adansonia digitata (baobab) on diabetes mellitus and the anterior pituitary of adult male wistar rats. Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology. 10(3), 18-29. https://doi.org/10.5897/JDE2019.0131
  • Rizk, J., Quan, D., Gabardi, S., Rizk, Y., & Kalantar-Zadeh, K. (2021). Novel approaches to the management of hyperkalaemia in kidney transplantation. Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension. 30(1), 27-37. https://doi.org/10.1097/MNH.0000000000000657
  • Subbiah, A. J., Kavimani, M., Ramadoss, M., Rao, M. R. K., & Prabhu, K. (2021). Effect of katakakhadiradi kashayam on lipid profile and pancreatic damage in type II diabetes mellitus. J Pharm Res Int. 33(28B), 135-41. https://doi.org/10.9734/jpri/2021/v33i28B31547
  • Tegegne, B. A., Mekuria, A. B., & Birru, E. M. (2022). Evaluation of anti-diabetic and anti- hyperlipidemic activities of hydro-alcoholic crude extract of the shoot tips of Crinum abyssinicum hochst. Ex A. Rich (amaryllidaceae) in mice. Journal of Experimental Pharmacology. 27-41. https://doi.org/10.2147/JEP.S335650
  • Tobar, N., Rocha, G. Z., Santos, A., Guadagnini, D., Assalin, H. B., & Camargo, J. A. (2023). Metformin acts in the gut and induces gut- liver crosstalk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120(4), e2211933120. https://doi.org.10.1073/pnas.2211933120.
  • Vargas-Uricoechea, H. (2022). Current State and Principles of Basal Insulin Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research. 14(1), 8. https://doi.org/10.14740/jocmr4660
  • Ansari, P., Azam, S., Hannan, J., Flatt, P. R., & Wahab, Y. H. A. (2020). The anti- hyperglycaemic activity of H. rosa-sinensis leaves is partly mediated by the inhibition of carbohydrate digestion and absorption, and enhancement of insulin secretion. Journal of Ethnopharmacology.253, 112647. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2020.112647
  • Cotero, V., Graf, J., Miwa, H., Hirschstein, Z., Qanud, K., & Huerta, T. S, (2022). Stimulation of the hepatoportal nerve plexus with focused ultrasound restores glucose homoeostasis in diabetic mice, rats and swine. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 6(6), 683- 705. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-022-00870-w
  • Doyno, C., Sobieraj, D. M., & Baker, W. L. (2021). Toxicity of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine following therapeutic use or overdose. Clinical Toxicology. 59(1), 12-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/15563650.2020.1817479
  • Ediga, M. G., Annapureddy, S., Salikineedy, K., & Nimgampalle, M. (2023). Aspartame consumption causes cognitive impairment in streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Biologia. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11756-023-01363-0
  • El-Moataaz, S., Ismael, H., & Aborhyem, S. (2019). Assessment of the chemical composition of Spirulina platensis and its effect on fasting blood glucose and lipid profile in diabetic Rats. Journal of High Institute of Public Health. 49(3):199-211. https://doi.org/10.21608/jhiph.2019.64463
  • Gadoa, Z. A., Moustafa, A. H., Rayes, S. M., Arisha, A. A., & Mansour, M. F. (2022). Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Synthesized Pyrazolopyrimidine Alleviate Diabetic Effects in Rats Induced by Type II Diabetes. ACS omega. 7(41), 36865-72. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05638
  • Garg, R., Katekar, R., Parwez, S., Agarwal, A., Sahu, S., & Dadge, S. (2023). Pancreastatin inhibitor PSTi8 ameliorates streptozotocin- induced diabetes by suppressing hepatic glucose production. European Journal of Pharmacology. 944, 175559. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejphar.2023.175559
  • Jiang, N., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Antidiabetic effects of nerolidol through promoting insulin receptor signalling in high-fat diet and low dose streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic rats. Human & Experimental Toxicology. 41, 09603271221126487. https://doi.org/10.1177/09603271221126487
  • Labban, L., & Thallaj, N. (2019). The Effect of Magnesium Supplementation on Hba1c Level and Lipid Profile among Type 2 Diabetics. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health. 3, 07-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-020-02209-5
  • Liu, M., & Dudley, J. S. C. (2020). Magnesium, oxidative stress, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants. 9(10), 907. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9100907
  • Mehta, R. J., Gastaldelli, A., Balas, B., Ricotti, A., DeFronzo, R. A., & Tripathy, D. (2019). Mechanism of action of inhaled insulin on whole-body glucose metabolism in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. International journal of molecular sciences. 20(17), 4230. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20174230
  • Mohammed, S. Y., Ibrahim, A., Bashir, M., Idi, A., & Sule, Z. D. (2022). Combined Effect of Sorghum Bicolor Formulated Diet and Glibenclamide on Some Biochemical Changes in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 37(3), 212-21. https://doi.org/10.2659/njbmb.2022.63
  • Olofinsan, K. A., Salau, V. F., Erukainure, O. L., & Islam, M. S. (2023). Senna petersiana (Bolle) leaf extract modulates glycemic homeostasis and improves dysregulated enzyme activities in fructose-fed streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 303, 115998. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2022.115998
  • Pamela, O., Francis, A., Celestine, A., Ifeoma, A., Choice, N., & Pamela, A. (2019). The effect of aqueous leaf extract of Adansonia digitata (baobab) on diabetes mellitus and the anterior pituitary of adult male wistar rats. Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology. 10(3), 18-29. https://doi.org/10.5897/JDE2019.0131
  • Rizk, J., Quan, D., Gabardi, S., Rizk, Y., & Kalantar-Zadeh, K. (2021). Novel approaches to the management of hyperkalaemia in kidney transplantation. Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension. 30(1), 27-37. https://doi.org/10.1097/MNH.0000000000000657
  • Subbiah, A. J., Kavimani, M., Ramadoss, M., Rao, M. R. K., & Prabhu, K. (2021). Effect of katakakhadiradi kashayam on lipid profile and pancreatic damage in type II diabetes mellitus. J Pharm Res Int. 33(28B), 135-41. https://doi.org/10.9734/jpri/2021/v33i28B31547
  • Tegegne, B. A., Mekuria, A. B., & Birru, E. M. (2022). Evaluation of anti-diabetic and anti- hyperlipidemic activities of hydro-alcoholic crude extract of the shoot tips of Crinum abyssinicum hochst. Ex A. Rich (amaryllidaceae) in mice. Journal of Experimental Pharmacology. 27-41. https://doi.org/10.2147/JEP.S335650
  • Tobar, N., Rocha, G. Z., Santos, A., Guadagnini, D., Assalin, H. B., & Camargo, J. A. (2023). Metformin acts in the gut and induces gut- liver crosstalk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120(4), e2211933120. https://doi.org.10.1073/pnas.2211933120.
  • Vargas-Uricoechea, H. (2022). Current State and Principles of Basal Insulin Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research. 14(1), 8. https://doi.org/10.14740/jocmr4660

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    APA : Khattak, M. B., Shah, F. U., & Ismail, M. (2023). Oral Administration of Magnesium Hydroxide to Subjects with Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Effects on Magnesium and Potassium Levels and on Insulin Requirements. Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII(I), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.31703/gdddr.2023(VIII-I).01
    CHICAGO : Khattak, Muhammad Bilal, Farid Ullah Shah, and Mehreen Ismail. 2023. "Oral Administration of Magnesium Hydroxide to Subjects with Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Effects on Magnesium and Potassium Levels and on Insulin Requirements." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII (I): 1-7 doi: 10.31703/gdddr.2023(VIII-I).01
    HARVARD : KHATTAK, M. B., SHAH, F. U. & ISMAIL, M. 2023. Oral Administration of Magnesium Hydroxide to Subjects with Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Effects on Magnesium and Potassium Levels and on Insulin Requirements. Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII, 1-7.
    MHRA : Khattak, Muhammad Bilal, Farid Ullah Shah, and Mehreen Ismail. 2023. "Oral Administration of Magnesium Hydroxide to Subjects with Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Effects on Magnesium and Potassium Levels and on Insulin Requirements." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII: 1-7
    MLA : Khattak, Muhammad Bilal, Farid Ullah Shah, and Mehreen Ismail. "Oral Administration of Magnesium Hydroxide to Subjects with Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Effects on Magnesium and Potassium Levels and on Insulin Requirements." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII.I (2023): 1-7 Print.
    OXFORD : Khattak, Muhammad Bilal, Shah, Farid Ullah, and Ismail, Mehreen (2023), "Oral Administration of Magnesium Hydroxide to Subjects with Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Effects on Magnesium and Potassium Levels and on Insulin Requirements", Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII (I), 1-7
    TURABIAN : Khattak, Muhammad Bilal, Farid Ullah Shah, and Mehreen Ismail. "Oral Administration of Magnesium Hydroxide to Subjects with Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Effects on Magnesium and Potassium Levels and on Insulin Requirements." Global Drug Design & Development Review VIII, no. I (2023): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.31703/gdddr.2023(VIII-I).01