Authored by : Rashida Naseer , Naseer Haider Cheema , Quratulain Ikram

04 Pages : 34-45


  • Giammanco, M., Di Majo, D., La Guardia, M., Aiello, S., Crescimannno, M., Flandina, C., Tumminello, F. M., & Leto, G. (2015). Vitamin D in cancer chemoprevention. Pharmaceutical Biology, 53(10), 1399–1434. 274
  • Heald, F. A. (2023). Promoting Cardiac Rehabilitation Use Across the Phases: Focus on Women.
  • Jeon, S., & Shin, E. (2018). Exploring vitamin D metabolism and function in cancer. Experimental and Molecular Medicine/Experimental and Molecular Medicine, 50(4), 1–14.
  • Khan, I., Jawaid, A., Ahmad, K., & Noordin, S. (2015). Hip fragility fractures: Anaemia, calcium and vitamin D supplementation. PubMed, 65(11 Suppl 3), S55-8.
  • Miller, K. M., Hart, P., De Klerk, N., Davis, E. A., & Lucas, R. (2017). Are low sun exposure and/or vitamin D risk factors for type 1 diabetes? Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 16(3), 381–398.
  • Nguyen, S. M., Deppen, S. A., Nguyen, G. H., Pham, D. X., Bui, T. D., & Tran, T. A. (2019). Projecting cancer incidence for 2025 in the 2 largest populated cities in Vietnam. Cancer Control, 26(1), 107327481986527.
  • Ogawa, S., Sato, J., Tanaka, R., Sakakibara, T., & Shino, M. (2022). Hyponatremia timing, incidence, and associated risk factors in patients treated with cisplatin for lung cancer: a retrospective study. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology, 29(4).
  • Rickard, B. P., Conrad, C., Sorrin, A. J., Ruhi, M. K., Reader, J., Huang, S., Franco, W., Scarcelli, G., Polacheck, W. J., Roque, D. M., Del Carmen, M. G., Huang, H., Demirci, U., & Rizvi, I. (2021). Malignant ascites in ovarian cancer: cellular, acellular, and biophysical determinants of molecular characteristics and therapy response. Cancers, 13(17), 4318.
  • Saeed, S., Khan, J., Iqbal, N., Irfan, S., Shafique, A., & Awan, S. (2019). Cancer and how the patients see it; prevalence and perception of risk factors: a cross-sectional survey from a tertiary care centre of Karachi, Pakistan. BMC Public Health, 19(1).
  • Safari, H., Eftekhari, M. H., Zadeh, J. H., & Dashtabi, A. (2017). Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its relationship with metabolic syndrome markers and lifestyle in the adult population in a sunny tropical region. DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals).
  • Stade, B., Ali, A. I., Bennett, D., Campbell, D., Johnston, M., Lens, C., Tran, S., & Koren, G. (2009). The burden of prenatal exposure to alcohol: revised measurement of cost. PubMed, 16(1), e91-102.
  • Ullah, F., Nadeem, M., Abrar, M., Amin, F., Salam, A., Alabrah, A., & AlSalman, H. (2023). Evolutionary Model for Brain Cancer-Grading and Classification. IEEE Access, 11, 126182–126194.
  • Ullah, F., Nadeem, M., Abrar, M., Amin, F., Salam, A., & Khan, S. (2023). Enhancing Brain Tumor Segmentation Accuracy through Scalable Federated Learning with Advanced Data Privacy and Security Measures. Mathematics, 11(19), 4189.
  • VITAMIN, D. (2008). Eighth European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis – ECCEO 8. (2008b). Osteoporosis International, 19(S1), 1–4. 008-0567
  • Giammanco, M., Di Majo, D., La Guardia, M., Aiello, S., Crescimannno, M., Flandina, C., Tumminello, F. M., & Leto, G. (2015). Vitamin D in cancer chemoprevention. Pharmaceutical Biology, 53(10), 1399–1434. 274
  • Heald, F. A. (2023). Promoting Cardiac Rehabilitation Use Across the Phases: Focus on Women.
  • Jeon, S., & Shin, E. (2018). Exploring vitamin D metabolism and function in cancer. Experimental and Molecular Medicine/Experimental and Molecular Medicine, 50(4), 1–14.
  • Khan, I., Jawaid, A., Ahmad, K., & Noordin, S. (2015). Hip fragility fractures: Anaemia, calcium and vitamin D supplementation. PubMed, 65(11 Suppl 3), S55-8.
  • Miller, K. M., Hart, P., De Klerk, N., Davis, E. A., & Lucas, R. (2017). Are low sun exposure and/or vitamin D risk factors for type 1 diabetes? Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 16(3), 381–398.
  • Nguyen, S. M., Deppen, S. A., Nguyen, G. H., Pham, D. X., Bui, T. D., & Tran, T. A. (2019). Projecting cancer incidence for 2025 in the 2 largest populated cities in Vietnam. Cancer Control, 26(1), 107327481986527.
  • Ogawa, S., Sato, J., Tanaka, R., Sakakibara, T., & Shino, M. (2022). Hyponatremia timing, incidence, and associated risk factors in patients treated with cisplatin for lung cancer: a retrospective study. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology, 29(4).
  • Rickard, B. P., Conrad, C., Sorrin, A. J., Ruhi, M. K., Reader, J., Huang, S., Franco, W., Scarcelli, G., Polacheck, W. J., Roque, D. M., Del Carmen, M. G., Huang, H., Demirci, U., & Rizvi, I. (2021). Malignant ascites in ovarian cancer: cellular, acellular, and biophysical determinants of molecular characteristics and therapy response. Cancers, 13(17), 4318.
  • Saeed, S., Khan, J., Iqbal, N., Irfan, S., Shafique, A., & Awan, S. (2019). Cancer and how the patients see it; prevalence and perception of risk factors: a cross-sectional survey from a tertiary care centre of Karachi, Pakistan. BMC Public Health, 19(1).
  • Safari, H., Eftekhari, M. H., Zadeh, J. H., & Dashtabi, A. (2017). Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its relationship with metabolic syndrome markers and lifestyle in the adult population in a sunny tropical region. DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals).
  • Stade, B., Ali, A. I., Bennett, D., Campbell, D., Johnston, M., Lens, C., Tran, S., & Koren, G. (2009). The burden of prenatal exposure to alcohol: revised measurement of cost. PubMed, 16(1), e91-102.
  • Ullah, F., Nadeem, M., Abrar, M., Amin, F., Salam, A., Alabrah, A., & AlSalman, H. (2023). Evolutionary Model for Brain Cancer-Grading and Classification. IEEE Access, 11, 126182–126194.
  • Ullah, F., Nadeem, M., Abrar, M., Amin, F., Salam, A., & Khan, S. (2023). Enhancing Brain Tumor Segmentation Accuracy through Scalable Federated Learning with Advanced Data Privacy and Security Measures. Mathematics, 11(19), 4189.
  • VITAMIN, D. (2008). Eighth European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis – ECCEO 8. (2008b). Osteoporosis International, 19(S1), 1–4. 008-0567

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    APA : Naseer, R., Cheema, N. H., & Ikram, Q. (2023). Multiple Malignancies in Relation to Vitamin D Levels Among Women of Reproductive Age. Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII(IV), 34-45.
    CHICAGO : Naseer, Rashida, Naseer Haider Cheema, and Quratulain Ikram. 2023. "Multiple Malignancies in Relation to Vitamin D Levels Among Women of Reproductive Age." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII (IV): 34-45 doi: 10.31703/gdddr.2023(VIII-IV).04
    HARVARD : NASEER, R., CHEEMA, N. H. & IKRAM, Q. 2023. Multiple Malignancies in Relation to Vitamin D Levels Among Women of Reproductive Age. Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII, 34-45.
    MHRA : Naseer, Rashida, Naseer Haider Cheema, and Quratulain Ikram. 2023. "Multiple Malignancies in Relation to Vitamin D Levels Among Women of Reproductive Age." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII: 34-45
    MLA : Naseer, Rashida, Naseer Haider Cheema, and Quratulain Ikram. "Multiple Malignancies in Relation to Vitamin D Levels Among Women of Reproductive Age." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII.IV (2023): 34-45 Print.
    OXFORD : Naseer, Rashida, Cheema, Naseer Haider, and Ikram, Quratulain (2023), "Multiple Malignancies in Relation to Vitamin D Levels Among Women of Reproductive Age", Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII (IV), 34-45
    TURABIAN : Naseer, Rashida, Naseer Haider Cheema, and Quratulain Ikram. "Multiple Malignancies in Relation to Vitamin D Levels Among Women of Reproductive Age." Global Drug Design & Development Review VIII, no. IV (2023): 34-45.