Strategies and Techniques of Drug Discovery from Natural Products
New drugs are mostly obtained from Natural sources. The traditional and ethic medicines have provided evidence on the therapeutic properties and resulted in some distinguished drug discovery of natural products. The microorganisms and the endogenous active materials from human or animal have also become a significant approach to the discovery of a drug. Bioinformatics and artificial intelligence have facilitated the study and development of products. For discovery of natural products different software have been used. Different computational software needed in the future for the predicting features in new drug development, for instance pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics, in drug development lead positive impact. This review focus on natural product drug discovery and uses innovative strategies and techniques as a part of discovery of drugs from natural products.
Essential Products, Drug Development and Design, Discovery, Strategies, Omics.
(1) Parniya Akbar Ali
Undergraduate Students, Department of Pharmacy, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Farah Hanif
Undergraduate Students, Department of Pharmacy, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Hosna Nettour
Undergraduate Students, Department of Pharmacy, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(4) Mubashar Rehman
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Ali, P. A., Hanif, F., & Nettour, H. (2017). Strategies and Techniques of Drug Discovery from Natural Products. Global Drug Design & Development Review, II(I), 34-43.
CHICAGO : Ali, Parniya Akbar, Farah Hanif, and Hosna Nettour. 2017. "Strategies and Techniques of Drug Discovery from Natural Products." Global Drug Design & Development Review, II (I): 34-43 doi: 10.31703/gdddr.2017(II-I).04
HARVARD : ALI, P. A., HANIF, F. & NETTOUR, H. 2017. Strategies and Techniques of Drug Discovery from Natural Products. Global Drug Design & Development Review, II, 34-43.
MHRA : Ali, Parniya Akbar, Farah Hanif, and Hosna Nettour. 2017. "Strategies and Techniques of Drug Discovery from Natural Products." Global Drug Design & Development Review, II: 34-43
MLA : Ali, Parniya Akbar, Farah Hanif, and Hosna Nettour. "Strategies and Techniques of Drug Discovery from Natural Products." Global Drug Design & Development Review, II.I (2017): 34-43 Print.
OXFORD : Ali, Parniya Akbar, Hanif, Farah, and Nettour, Hosna (2017), "Strategies and Techniques of Drug Discovery from Natural Products", Global Drug Design & Development Review, II (I), 34-43
TURABIAN : Ali, Parniya Akbar, Farah Hanif, and Hosna Nettour. "Strategies and Techniques of Drug Discovery from Natural Products." Global Drug Design & Development Review II, no. I (2017): 34-43.