01 Pages : 1-11      10.31703/gdddr.2021(VI-III).01      Published : Sep 2021

Role Of Probiotics And Microbiota In Covid-19

    Identifying the mechanism of Covid-19 illness and its development can bring the discovery of new objectives for prevention or therapy. This might be accomplished by preventing viral entrance and replication, or just by suppressing the immune reaction elicited by the disease. Probiotics are described as"beneficial microorganisms that impose a health benefit on the host when given in suitable concentrations."There is strong scientific research to prove the capacity of probiotics in increasing human immune response,hence avoiding pathogen proliferation and lowering the occurrence and severity of diseases. We report clinical data on the usefulness of probiotic supplements to protect and cure respiratory system infections in this paper. The findings suggest that probiotics may be beneficial in lowering the likelihood of coronavirus infection. Furthermore, this domain needs to be explored to unleash the strength of probiotics and microbiotain fighting against COVID-19.

    Covid-19, Microbiota, Probiotics, SARS-COV-2
    (1) Afia Arshad
    Amna Inayat Medical College, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Alia Eum
    Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
    (3) Ume Ruqia Tulain
    Lecturer, College of Pharmacy, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (4) Nadia Shamshad Malik
    Faculty of Pharmacy, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
    (5) Shafa Arshad
    Imran Idress College of Pharmacy, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Arshad, Afia, Alia Eum, and Ume Ruqia Tulain. 2021. "Role Of Probiotics And Microbiota In Covid-19." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VI (III): 1-11 doi: 10.31703/gdddr.2021(VI-III).01
    HARVARD : ARSHAD, A., EUM, A. & TULAIN, U. R. 2021. Role Of Probiotics And Microbiota In Covid-19. Global Drug Design & Development Review, VI, 1-11.
    MHRA : Arshad, Afia, Alia Eum, and Ume Ruqia Tulain. 2021. "Role Of Probiotics And Microbiota In Covid-19." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VI: 1-11
    MLA : Arshad, Afia, Alia Eum, and Ume Ruqia Tulain. "Role Of Probiotics And Microbiota In Covid-19." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VI.III (2021): 1-11 Print.
    OXFORD : Arshad, Afia, Eum, Alia, and Tulain, Ume Ruqia (2021), "Role Of Probiotics And Microbiota In Covid-19", Global Drug Design & Development Review, VI (III), 1-11