01 Pages : 1-13      10.31703/gdddr.2023(VIII-III).01      Published : Sep 2023

Isolation of Amylase Producing Bacteria From Soil of Peshawar Region and its Biochemical Characterization

    Amylases are a class of biocatalyst enzymes that may break down the amylase biomass that is produced by many different microorganisms, such as fungi and bacteria, and is found in the natural environment. The generation of amylase by an isolated amylase-producing microbe is the focus of the current study. Three soil samples from various locations in the Peshawar region were taken in order to isolate the strain that produces amylase. Using iodine solution and activity zone approaches, all isolated colonies were tested. Only three bacterial colonies out of 16 strains produced amylase in a favourable manner. Tests using morphological and biochemical analysis were then used to characterize these bacterial isolates, which were given the names MB7, MD2, and MD4.

    Amylase, Grams Iodine, Amylase-degrading Species, Morphological
    (1) Hira Ikram
    Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology, Bacha Khan University, Charsadda, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Bushra Rehman
    Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology, Bacha Khan University, Charsadda, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Hajra Afeera Hamid
    Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology & Biotechnology, University of Bannu, KP, Pakistan.
    (4) Dur-E-Najaf Khan
    Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology, Bacha Khan University, Charsadda, KP, Pakistan.
    (5) Aiman Omer
    Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Benazir Shaheed Women University, Larama, KP, Pakistan.
    (6) Sanam Islam Khan
    Department of Microbiology, Quid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Ikram, H., Rehman, B., & Hamid, H. A. (2023). Isolation of Amylase Producing Bacteria From Soil of Peshawar Region and its Biochemical Characterization. Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII(III), 1-13.
    CHICAGO : Ikram, Hira, Bushra Rehman, and Hajra Afeera Hamid. 2023. "Isolation of Amylase Producing Bacteria From Soil of Peshawar Region and its Biochemical Characterization." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII (III): 1-13 doi: 10.31703/gdddr.2023(VIII-III).01
    HARVARD : IKRAM, H., REHMAN, B. & HAMID, H. A. 2023. Isolation of Amylase Producing Bacteria From Soil of Peshawar Region and its Biochemical Characterization. Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII, 1-13.
    MHRA : Ikram, Hira, Bushra Rehman, and Hajra Afeera Hamid. 2023. "Isolation of Amylase Producing Bacteria From Soil of Peshawar Region and its Biochemical Characterization." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII: 1-13
    MLA : Ikram, Hira, Bushra Rehman, and Hajra Afeera Hamid. "Isolation of Amylase Producing Bacteria From Soil of Peshawar Region and its Biochemical Characterization." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII.III (2023): 1-13 Print.
    OXFORD : Ikram, Hira, Rehman, Bushra, and Hamid, Hajra Afeera (2023), "Isolation of Amylase Producing Bacteria From Soil of Peshawar Region and its Biochemical Characterization", Global Drug Design & Development Review, VIII (III), 1-13
    TURABIAN : Ikram, Hira, Bushra Rehman, and Hajra Afeera Hamid. "Isolation of Amylase Producing Bacteria From Soil of Peshawar Region and its Biochemical Characterization." Global Drug Design & Development Review VIII, no. III (2023): 1-13.