Authored by : NeelamAyub , MahwishAhmed , Mahvish AftabKhan , FurquanaNiaz , ShahzadAhmad , Shanza ObaidNiazi

02 Pages : 8-13


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    APA : Ayub, N., Ahmed, M., & Khan, M. A. (2022). Frequency of Acne in Healthcare Providers with Prolonged Use of Face Masks in Rawal Institute of Health Sciences: The Post-Covid Era. Global Drug Design & Development Review, VII(III), 8-13.
    CHICAGO : Ayub, Neelam, Mahwish Ahmed, and Mahvish Aftab Khan. 2022. "Frequency of Acne in Healthcare Providers with Prolonged Use of Face Masks in Rawal Institute of Health Sciences: The Post-Covid Era." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VII (III): 8-13 doi: 10.31703/gdddr.2022(VII-III).02
    HARVARD : AYUB, N., AHMED, M. & KHAN, M. A. 2022. Frequency of Acne in Healthcare Providers with Prolonged Use of Face Masks in Rawal Institute of Health Sciences: The Post-Covid Era. Global Drug Design & Development Review, VII, 8-13.
    MHRA : Ayub, Neelam, Mahwish Ahmed, and Mahvish Aftab Khan. 2022. "Frequency of Acne in Healthcare Providers with Prolonged Use of Face Masks in Rawal Institute of Health Sciences: The Post-Covid Era." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VII: 8-13
    MLA : Ayub, Neelam, Mahwish Ahmed, and Mahvish Aftab Khan. "Frequency of Acne in Healthcare Providers with Prolonged Use of Face Masks in Rawal Institute of Health Sciences: The Post-Covid Era." Global Drug Design & Development Review, VII.III (2022): 8-13 Print.
    OXFORD : Ayub, Neelam, Ahmed, Mahwish, and Khan, Mahvish Aftab (2022), "Frequency of Acne in Healthcare Providers with Prolonged Use of Face Masks in Rawal Institute of Health Sciences: The Post-Covid Era", Global Drug Design & Development Review, VII (III), 8-13
    TURABIAN : Ayub, Neelam, Mahwish Ahmed, and Mahvish Aftab Khan. "Frequency of Acne in Healthcare Providers with Prolonged Use of Face Masks in Rawal Institute of Health Sciences: The Post-Covid Era." Global Drug Design & Development Review VII, no. III (2022): 8-13.